baile cu plante medicinale-herbal baths

baile cu plante medicinale-herbal baths

Baile cu Plante Medicinale

baile cu plante medicinale
baile cu plante medicinale

Baile cu plante medicinale sunt utile intr-o serie larga de afectiuni datorita faptului ca prin tegument sunt absorbite multe substante active,care apoi intra prin circulatia limfatica si sangvina in intregul organism, explicandu-se astfel actiunea lor terapeutica.

Baia completa cu plante medicinala

Pentru baia completa cu plante medicinale, plantele sunt puse peste noapte la macerat in apa rece. Pentru baia completa este nevoie de 1 galeata plina cu plante medicinale proaspete, la 6-8 litrii de apa rece sau de 200 de grame de plante medicinale uscate la 6-8 litrii de apa rece. A doua zi,cantitatea respectiva pentru baia completa este incalzita,iar extractul este turnat in apa de baie. Durata baii – 20 minute. Inima trebuie sa stea in afara apei. Sa nu va stergeti dupa baie,ci sa va bagati in halat sau prosop de baie ca sa transpirati timp de o ora.

Baia de sezut cu plante medicinale

Pentru baia de sezut, se ia numai un sfert de galeta cu plante medicinale proaspete sau cca 100 grame de plante medicinale uscate si se procedeaza ca la baia completa. Apa trebuie sa ajunga pana deasupra rinichilor. Trebuie respectate indicatiile de la fiecare planta in parte. Apa reincalzita a baii complete sau a celei de sezut poate fi folosita inca de doua ori.

Tratamente naturiste  cu bai din plante medicinale.

Baile complete sau de sezut (mai sunt denumite generale sau partiale) se fac in functie de afectiune. Baile complete amelioreaza: circulatia periferica, afectiunile sistemului nervos central si periferic (stres, nevroze, astenii, nevrite), unele boli de piele (eczeme, seboree), afectiuni ale oaselor si articulatiilor (rheumatism, rahitism, artroza, guta) afectiuni respiratorii (raceli, viroze, bronsite cronice), bolile ginecologice. Aceste bai au actiune stimulanta, in special asupra metabolismului si a sistemului circulator si circulatia sangelui. Baia completa este deosebit de utila in convalescenta. De obicei, se utilizeaza diferite combinatii de plante medicinale (mai rar o singura specie), in anumite proportii. Plantele medicinale destinate bailor terapeutice se folosesc fie sub forma de infuzie concentrata, in cazul florilor sau frunzelor,fie sub forma de decoct concentrat, in cazul radacinilor sau cojilor, care se adauga in apa de baie. Printre plantele cel mai des folosite in bai terapeutice generale se numara: cetina de brad sau spirala, cimbru (partea aeriana), musetel (flori), salcam (flori), trifoi rosu (flori), pin (muguri, cetina), ienupar cetina), sulfina (flori), menta (frunze). In general, se recomanda numai acele plante medicinale care contin uleiuri volatile, substante cu actiune dezinfectanta, calmante si emoliente. Pentru afectiuni reumatice se recomanda bai cu coaja de salcie, din care se face un decoct concentrat cu 100 g/litru,ce se adauga in apa de baie. In acelasi scop se folosesc uleiurile volatile de pin, brad sau ienupar, punandu-se in apa de baie 2-4 g dintr-un amestec in parti egale de ulei volatil si alcool etilic de 90 grade. De asemenea, se pot folosi si fructele de ienupar, din care se prepara un decoct cu 100 g/litru, pentru o baie totala. Un efect tonic general il au baile cu decoct concentrat din frunze de nuc, 200 g/litru, sau frunze de menta, 200-250 g/litru, introduse intr-un saculet de tifon, care se agita in apa calda a baii. Se pot folosi, de asemenea, 3 picaturi de ulei volatil de menta cu alcool etilic introduse in apa de baie. citeste mai departe >>> Baile cu plante medicinale

Herbal Baths

herbal baths
herbal baths

Herbal herbs are useful in a wide range of conditions because many active substances are absorbed through the skin, which then enters the lymphatic and blood circulation throughout the body, explaining their therapeutic action.

Complete bath with herbs

For the complete herbal bath the plants are set overnight to soak in cold water. For the full bath you need 1 bucket full of fresh herbs, 6-8 liters of cold water or 200 grams of dried herbs at 6-8 liters of cold water. The next day, the quantity for the complete bath is heated and the extract is poured into bath water. The length of the bath – 20 minutes. The heart must stand outside the water. Do not wipe after bathing, but put on a bathrobe or bath towel to sweat for an hour.

Sitting bath with herbs

For the seating bath, take only a quarter of a bucket of fresh medicinal plants or about 100 grams of dry medical disinfectants and proceed as a complete bath. The water must reach up to the kidneys. The instructions must be followed, from each plant individually. The reheated water of the complete bath with herbs, or the herbal bath with herbs can be used twice more.

Natural treatments with herbal baths.

Complete baths with medicinal plants or baths with medicinal plants are made depending on the condition. Complete baths relieve peripheral circulation, central and peripheral nervous system disorders (stress, neurosis, asthenia, neuritis), some skin diseases (eczema, seborrhoea), bone and joint disorders (rheumatism, rickets, arthritis, colds, viroses, chronic bronchitis), gynecological diseases. These baths have stimulating action, especially on metabolism and circulatory system and blood circulation. The full bath is especially useful in convalescence. Typically, different combinations of medicinal plants (more rarely a single species) are used in some proportions. Medicinal herbs intended for therapeutic baths are used either in the form of concentrated infusion in the case of flowers or leaves, or in the form of concentrated decoction, in the case of roots or peels, which are added to the bathing water. Among the plants most commonly used in general therapeutic baths are: fir or spirals, thyme, chamomile (flowers), acacia (flowers), red clover (flowers), pine (buds, ketchup) ), sulfine (flowers), mint (leaves). Generally, only those herbs containing volatile oils, disinfecting, soothing and emollient substances are recommended. For rheumatic diseases, baths with willow bark are recommended, from which a concentrated decoction with 100 g / liter is added, which is added to bath water. For the same purpose, volatile oils of pine, fir or juniper are used, placing 2-4 g of a mixture of equal parts of volatile oil and 90 ° ethyl alcohol in bath water. You can also use juniper berries, from which a decoction with 100 g / liter is prepared, for a total bath. A general tonic effect is given by the decoction baths of walnut leaves, 200g / liter, or mint leaves, 200-250g / liter, placed in a gauze bag that shakes in the hot water of the bath. You can also use 3 drops of mint flavor oil with alcohol in the bath. read more >>> Herbal Baths