//e.issuu.com/embed.js” style=”width: 500px; height: 323px;” class=”issuuembed”> //e.issuu.com/embed.js blackberry herb-mur planta medicinala They are used for medicinal purposes blackberry leaves and fruits.The fruits of blackberries, a tea (infusion) which has a strong constipating effects (diarrhea). In scopuri medicinale se folosesc frunzele si fructele de mur . Din mure , se prepara un ceai (infuzie) care are […]

//e.issuu.com/embed.js” style=”width: 500px; height: 323px;” class=”issuuembed”> //e.issuu.com/embed.js Dill herb As a medicinal herb, dill is used in combat bloating … Under the cruel, cure the seeds of dill, fennel and anise (all taken in equal parts) induce a state of peace, comfort and stimulates intellectual yield. (Source: https://issuu.com/)