congestia genitala-tratamente naturiste-genital congestion-natural treatments

congestia genitala-tratamente naturiste-genital congestion-natural treatments.

Stiai ca absenta orgasmului, favorizeaza congestia organelor genitale?Acest lucru se datoreaza mentinerii fluxului de sange in structurile erectile, inhibarii secretiilor vaginale si absentei relaxarii musculaturii.In astfel de cazuri, exista posibilitatea ca, in timpul actului sexual sau chiar si in timpul mersului,…

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congestia genitala-tratamente naturiste-genital congestion-natural treatments

congestia genitala-tratamente naturiste-genital congestion-natural treatments.

Stiai ca absenta orgasmului, favorizeaza congestia organelor genitale?Acest lucru se datoreaza mentinerii fluxului de sange in structurile erectile, inhibarii secretiilor vaginale si absentei relaxarii musculaturii.In astfel de cazuri, exista posibilitatea ca, in timpul actului sexual sau chiar si in timpul mersului, aceste femei sa prezinte dureri lombare si pelviene, precum si o stare de tensiune frecvent asociata cu senzatia de insatisfactie.Formele simple de congestie genitala se amelioreaza evitand cauzele care le produc: sporturi extreme, abuzul sexual, oboseala fizica, ortostatismul prelungit, alimentatia bogata in grasimi si produse animaliere, condimente, cafea, ciocolata.In formele care se complica cu menoragii,sau metrogagii se vor urma si tratamentul acestor tulburari.Pentru tratamentul naturist al acestei tulburari,se pot folosi urmatoarele plante medicinale:aloe vera, brad ,branca ursului,brusture,cerentel,galbenele,hrean,molid,naprasnic, omag,pin,salcie,tataneasa,urzica. ….citeste mai departe…

congestia genitala tratamente naturiste
congestia genitala tratamente naturiste

Did you know that the absence of orgasm, promotes genital congestion?This is because maintaining blood flow in erectile structures, and absence of inhibition vaginal muscle relaxation.In such cases, it is possible that during intercourse or even during driving, these women present and pelvic back pain, tension and a feeling of dissatisfaction often associated with.Simple forms of genital congestion is improved by avoiding the causes that produce them: extreme sports, sexual abuse, physical fatigue, prolonged standing, diets high in fat and animal products, spices, coffee, chocolate.In forms that are complicated by menorrhagia or metrorrhagia will follow and treatment of these disorders.For natural treatment of this disorder, you can use these herbs: aloe vera, fir, cow parsnip, burdock, common bennet, marigold, horseradish, spruce, cruel, pay tribute pine, willow, comfrey, nettle. …. read more …

congestia genitala TRATAMENTE NATURISTE

Congestia genitala – tratamente naturiste. Stiai ca absenta orgasmului favorizeaza…Pentru tratamentul naturist al acestei tulburari,se pot folosi urmatoarele plante medicinale:…Genital congestion – natural treatments. Did you know that the absence of orgasm favors … For natural treatment of this disorder, you can use these herbs: … congestia genitala TRATAMENTE NATURISTE